Saint Demetrios Greek-American School is based in Astoria, Queens are committed and devoted in exploring and understanding the world’s current energy uses and how it is impacting our environment. As citizens of our planet, we embody the very spirit of humanity. We want to share and exchange our research and findings to inform our fellow classmates, the community, and to the world of how it effects our natural resources, economy, science and technology, and culture. Visit Our Website

Saint Demetrios Energy Project 2012
Year 3 Under Way
Energy is very helpful. We use it in many different situations in our daily lives. For example, we use energy to cook, clean, see, and transport. Basically energy helps us survive. Some well-known forms of energy are thermal energy, light energy, electrical energy, and mechanical energy. Although energy is very useful and helps people, it is also harmful to the environment.
Energy is harmful to the environment because some forms of energy give off a specific substance that may deplete the ozone layer. For example, mechanical energy is used for vehicles give off poisonous gases that are used to cause global warming. Another example is electrical energy, which is used for powering the light and electrical items in a household or office buildings. This energy gives off heat that can contribute Green House Effect. By over using a great amount of these sources we are endangering our planet and ourselves.
Most of these sources are harmful to the environment, but there are many other sources we can use without really hurting the environment as much. Some of these sources are alternative energy such as tidal waves, hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy, and biomass. If we use these alternative energy sources more often we might reduce the risk of global warming.
View the Final Presentations from Year 1
Project Resources
Digital Storyboard.pdf
Project Steps Pacing Plan for Students.docx
Energy Effect Curriculum for New Teachers: Energy Effect Curriculum
Comments (Show all 234)
John Hartofilis said
at 6:39 pm on May 16, 2012
If you ask Mr. Balkan tomorrow maybe we can try it.
George Kastanas said
at 6:40 pm on May 16, 2012
why do u need to copy the hw
John Hartofilis said
at 6:40 pm on May 16, 2012
Yeah guys I have to go eat dinner too. Bi.
George Kastanas said
at 6:40 pm on May 16, 2012
George Kastanas said
at 6:41 pm on May 16, 2012
u said bye wrong
George Kastanas said
at 6:42 pm on May 16, 2012
any way i am going to go to.
Aris Diamantis said
at 6:53 pm on May 16, 2012
hi ppls
Eli Sargent said
at 6:53 pm on May 16, 2012
Eli Sargent said
at 6:54 pm on May 16, 2012
lol i have the wierdest password
Eli Sargent said
at 6:55 pm on May 16, 2012
Eli Sargent said
at 6:55 pm on May 16, 2012
ummm hello
Eli Sargent said
at 6:55 pm on May 16, 2012
>O O<
______ <--------wierd face LOL
Steve Papazoglou said
at 7:37 pm on May 16, 2012
any one online
Steve Papazoglou said
at 7:37 pm on May 16, 2012
Eleni Katounis said
at 9:06 pm on May 16, 2012
Quickly when is the research thing due
Frederika Ionescu said
at 10:44 am on May 17, 2012
im online now!!! :p hahahahahahaha:):):):)
Dimitra Lafazanis said
at 10:45 am on May 17, 2012
Frederika Ionescu said
at 4:16 pm on May 22, 2012
if anybody needs help, i have very important research about fossil fuels and renewable resources on my page.
Anastasia Koutavas said
at 4:52 pm on May 22, 2012
what would you choose:
Renewable energy or nonrenewable energy? i would choose both because even though renewable is better, it is easier to find nonrenewable.
Frederika Ionescu said
at 3:46 pm on May 23, 2012
renewable energy.
Alexia Michelatos said
at 10:35 am on May 25, 2012
Renewable and non-renewable sources is our topic.
Alexia Michelatos said
at 11:05 am on May 25, 2012
I would also choose renewable energy.
Frederika Ionescu said
at 3:20 pm on May 25, 2012
i agree with you. the world should start using renewable energy!!!
Alex Krampis said
at 9:53 pm on May 25, 2012
yianni do you want to make a music or interview video????? if we do renewable resources we have to do how the fossil fuels and other nonrenewable resources.Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms. The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 650 million years. Fossil fuels contain high percentages of carbon and include coal, petroleum, and natural gas.They range from volatile materials with low carbon:hydrogen ratios like methane, to liquid petroleum to nonvolatile materials composed of almost pure carbon, like anthracite coal. Methane can be found in hydrocarbon fields, alone, associated with oil, or in the form of methane clathrates.we have to talk about all the oils and dangers of oil spills too. i would prefer to make a music and interview because we could interview very smart people. such as our aunts and uncles.
Alexia Michelatos said
at 10:52 am on May 30, 2012
We use energy to cook, clean, see, and transport. Basically energy helps us survive. Some well-known forms of energy are thermal energy, light energy, electrical energy, and mechanical energy. Although energy is very useful and helps people, it is also harmful to the environment.
Most of these non renewable sources are harmful to the environment, but there are many other sources we can use without really hurting the environment as much. Some of these sources are alternative energy such as tidal waves, hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy, and biomass. If we use these alternative energy sources more often we might reduce the risk of global warming. :)
Aris Diamantis said
at 1:33 pm on May 30, 2012
my group, when can we do the project today?
George Kastanas said
at 1:33 pm on May 30, 2012
if you want lights for outside of your house at night you can charge them using solar panels and a timer and when it becomes night out to turn on using the power they got from the sun
George Kastanas said
at 1:35 pm on May 30, 2012
i think we can do the project around 6:30.
George Kastanas said
at 1:41 pm on May 30, 2012
kshdgrw f hhxdgfsjdi jkhjhxcfbwjeagtilhq
George Kastanas said
at 1:43 pm on May 30, 2012
sorry i leaned on the keyboard and wrote that
John Hartofilis said
at 2:33 pm on May 30, 2012
Hey everyone look on my page I added the beginning to my project
Nadja Martinovic said
at 1:45 pm on May 31, 2012
If you guys want you can check out our page. We are doing renewable resources. I actually think it was cool to learn about it! Maybe you will too!
Alexia Michelatos said
at 2:03 pm on May 31, 2012
Hey guys, what do you think about non-renewable resources?
Nadja Martinovic said
at 1:23 pm on Jun 1, 2012
despina, lets talk about our props for the skit!
Nadja Martinovic said
at 1:25 pm on Jun 1, 2012
maria, could you finish your script for the skit please?
Nadja Martinovic said
at 1:26 pm on Jun 1, 2012
I dont know, what do you think?
Nadja Martinovic said
at 1:28 pm on Jun 1, 2012
I think we should do a slideshow of pictures and talk at the same time? should we do it on movie maker or on i movie?
Despina Skartados said
at 1:29 pm on Jun 1, 2012
Nadja Martinovic said
at 1:30 pm on Jun 1, 2012
no should we do it on the mac or the pc?
Alexia Michelatos said
at 9:21 am on Jun 4, 2012
Nonrenewable resources harm the environment and are limited, as when Renewable resources do not harm the environment and are unlimited. Think green!
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